New Boat Parts & Accessories
Outboard Parts
Propeller SALE!!
Propeller SALE!!: Interchangeable Hub Props
Props For Evinrude Johnson
Stern Drive Parts
We are selling one used cylinder head lift bracket for OMC Cobra stern drive engines.
The OMC/BRP part numbers are 0914678 and 3853311.
There isn't any corrosion or damage to this lift bracket. This is one of the two lift brackets that attach to the cylinder head.
You will get a used lift bracket that is in great condition.
This OMC cylinder head lift bracket fits many V6 and V8 OMC Cobra stern drives from 1990 to 1998. Please check your application to see if it will fit yours.
432APLAMH 1992
432APLJVB 1993
432APLJVN 1993
432APLRGD 1991
432APRAMH 1992
432APRJVB 1993
432APRJVN 1993
432APRRGD 1991
434APLAMH 1992
434APLJVB 1993
434APLJVN 1993
434APLRGD 1991
434APRAMH 1992
434APRJVB 1993
434APRJVN 1993
434APRRGD 1991
574AMLPWS 1990
574APEAMH 1992
574APEPWS 1990
574APERGD 1991
574APLAMH 1992
574APLRGD 1991
574APRAMH 1992
574APRPWS 1990
574APRRGD 1991
574BPEPWS 1990
574BPERGD 1991
432ACMMDA 1994
432ACPMDA 1994
432AGMMDA 1994
432AGPMDA 1994
432APNCA 1996
432BPBYC 1998
432BPLKD 1997
432BPNCS 1996
434APNCA 1996
434BPBYC 1998
434BPLKD 1997
434BPNCS 1996
43APHUB 1995
43FAPNCA 1996
43FBPBYC 1998
43FBPLKD 1997
43FBPNCS 1996
502BPBYC 1998
50FBPBYC 1998
572ACPMDA 1994
572AGPMDA 1994
572BPBYC 1998
572BPLKD 1997
572BPLKR 1997
572BPNCS 1996
574BPLKD 1997
57FAPLKD 1997
57FAPNCA 1996
57FAPNCS 1996
57FCPBYC 1998
57FCPBYD 1998
57FCPLKD 1997
57FDPLKD 1997
Green Bay Prop offers the most used Stern Drive & Outboard parts in Wisconsin!
We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover Card, and Pay Pal.
OMC 6 cyl 1991 4.3 Cobra Four Winns 180 Horizon
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The OMC/BRP part numbers are 0914678 and 3853311.
There isn't any corrosion or damage to this lift bracket. This is one of the two lift brackets that attach to the cylinder head.
You will get a used lift bracket that is in great condition.
This OMC cylinder head lift bracket fits many V6 and V8 OMC Cobra stern drives from 1990 to 1998. Please check your application to see if it will fit yours.
432APLAMH 1992
432APLJVB 1993
432APLJVN 1993
432APLRGD 1991
432APRAMH 1992
432APRJVB 1993
432APRJVN 1993
432APRRGD 1991
434APLAMH 1992
434APLJVB 1993
434APLJVN 1993
434APLRGD 1991
434APRAMH 1992
434APRJVB 1993
434APRJVN 1993
434APRRGD 1991
574AMLPWS 1990
574APEAMH 1992
574APEPWS 1990
574APERGD 1991
574APLAMH 1992
574APLRGD 1991
574APRAMH 1992
574APRPWS 1990
574APRRGD 1991
574BPEPWS 1990
574BPERGD 1991
432ACMMDA 1994
432ACPMDA 1994
432AGMMDA 1994
432AGPMDA 1994
432APNCA 1996
432BPBYC 1998
432BPLKD 1997
432BPNCS 1996
434APNCA 1996
434BPBYC 1998
434BPLKD 1997
434BPNCS 1996
43APHUB 1995
43FAPNCA 1996
43FBPBYC 1998
43FBPLKD 1997
43FBPNCS 1996
502BPBYC 1998
50FBPBYC 1998
572ACPMDA 1994
572AGPMDA 1994
572BPBYC 1998
572BPLKD 1997
572BPLKR 1997
572BPNCS 1996
574BPLKD 1997
57FAPLKD 1997
57FAPNCA 1996
57FAPNCS 1996
57FCPBYC 1998
57FCPBYD 1998
57FCPLKD 1997
57FDPLKD 1997
Green Bay Prop offers the most used Stern Drive & Outboard parts in Wisconsin!
We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover Card, and Pay Pal.
OMC 6 cyl 1991 4.3 Cobra Four Winns 180 Horizon
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- Brand: OMC
- Condition: Used
- Notes: Used & Guaranteed Good Condition!
- SKU: 4401
- MPN: 4401
- warehouse: T220E BOX B