(920) 662-7605

Used Outboard Parts & Fresh Water Sterndrive Parts

NOTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pitch of the propeller is extremely important! Ordering the wrong propeller pitch will result in poor performance.  If you are not confident in your decision email us.  We are happy to guide you.

This sale is for one new out of box Mercury Offshore Series Propeller. Does not include hub kit

Part number: 48-825903A46, 825903A46

Related part numbers: 48-825903A48, 825903A45
14" X 21P LH

4 Blade

Stainless steel

This prop fits many Mercury/Mariner 135-300 Hp outboards, and Mercruiser Alpha/Bravo one sterndrives and more depending on hub kit used

This prop can be used on other brand outboards with a different hub kit.

It is up to you to make sure this is the right part for your application.

Green Bay Prop offers the most used Stern Drive & Outboard parts in Wisconsin!


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