(920) 662-7605

Used Outboard Parts & Fresh Water Sterndrive Parts

0316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 0385255
0316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 03852550316507 Evinrude Johnson Air Silencer Base for 100 Hp Outboards 1971 0385255
We have for sale one used carburetor air silencer base for Johnson and Evinrude outboard motors.
The OMC/BRP part number is 319507 and is on the base.

This air box silencer base is for use with some vintage Evinrude and Johnson outboard motors from the 70's.

This is the base for the air silencer box. It isn't cracked or otherwise damaged. It's from freshwater Wisconsin and not at all corroded.

You will get a used Johnson air silencer base that is in great working condition. This is a salvaged Johnson outboard part from a 1970 100 HP 4 cylinder outboard.

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